Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Super Saturday

Super Saturday Session!

5 rounds:
40/20 (10 minutes)
Group A - Stair Climbs
Group B – Reptilian Pushups

Rest 2 minutes

5 rounds:
40/20 (10 minutes)

Group A – Horizontal Rope Pull 16/28
Group B – Shuttle Run with Lateral Roll

Rest 2 minutes

Group A: Works together to Move all weight in the GYM from one end to the other

Group B: While they do this, group B will Go through:
60/60 For as many cycles as it takes group A to finish
SB supine Bridge Hold
Forward Ball Roll

Then you will swap and group B will put the gear back while group A does the core cycles!! :)

Going to be AWESOME!!


  1. Chloe says : can't wait :) :) :)

  2. Super Saturday Sounds like SUPER HARD WORK. But it does sound like fun, so bring it on :D

  3. I loved SUPER SATURDAY :D
