Sunday, May 8, 2011


Good start to the day with a HEALTHY breakfast



5 sets (24 minutes)

BB SB Chest Press
Sumo Deadlift High Pull w/ KB
SL Box Squat


60/60 - 6mins

3D Standing Heel Taps

1 comment:

  1. Corinne -

    I did this yesterday with a jarred finger - pretty impressed with my efforts to push out as much as I could.

    SB chest press - I used 9kgs in my right hand and 7kgs in my left because I couldn't hold it properly and had to balance it more in my palm!
    Sumo deadlift high pull - I could only use 8kgs and had to change my lifting movement but worked it out, also wore 'the vest' for this workout and the SL squat....damn vest... :) hehe

    Next time I do the workout my finger should be healed and I'll push myself by going heavier and do more but still controlled reps!
