Comp Day

Saturday Comp Day Results 


Advanced Males

1st Place - Michael: 1st/1st/1st/5th (8pts)
2nd Place - Alex: 2nd/2nd/2nd/4th (10pts)
2nd Place - Vanja: 3rd/3rd/3rd/1st (10pts)
4th Place - Wes: 4th/4th/4th/1st (13pts)
5th Place - Steve: 5th/5th/5th/3rd (18pts)

Advanced Females

1st Place - Angela: 1st/1st/1st/1st (4pts)

Intermediate Males

1st Place - Kyle: 1st/1st/1st/1st (4pts)

Advanced Females

1st Place - Vicky: 1st/1st/2nd/1st (5pts)
2nd Place - Veronika: 2nd/2nd/1st/1st (6pts)

Scaled Females

1st Place - Jen: 1st/1st/2nd/2nd (6pts)
1st Place - Suz: 2nd/2nd/1st/1st (6pts)

Congratulations to everyone who competed. 

The day was a HUGE success and I was so proud to see you all give your all on every workout.

Keep an eye out for our SUMMER Comp Day coming up soon!

In health and happiness,

Shane and the HF Fitness Team! :)


Sunday Comp Day Results

Mens Advance

1st Gary. S

 2nd Adam. B
3rd Stuey. J

Mens Intermediate

1st Scott. M

Womans Advanced

1st Alison. C

2nd Cindy. S
3rd Jules. H
Womans Intermediate

1st Ash. M

2nd Laura. B

Congratulations to everyone who competed. 

The day was a HUGE success and I was so proud to see you all give your all on every workout.

Keep an eye out for our SPRING Comp Day coming up soon!

In health and happiness,

Shane and the HF Fitness Team! :)


Sunday Comp Day

Workout #1

AMRAP in 10 minutes

Beginner / Intermediate

90 x Single Skips
10m x Walking Lunges (10/5 Plate)
20 x Push Press (20/15kgs)


30 x Double Unders
10m x Walking Lunges (25/15kg Plate)
20 x Push Press (30/20kg)

Each Individual will complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes. They will be awarded a single point for each rep they complete. No points will be awarded for lunges only Double Unders and Push Press (50 TOTAL points per round)

Workout #2:

200m Farmers Carry

21 Burpees

100m Farmers Carry

15 Burpees

50m Farmers Carry

9 Burpees

Farmers Carry: 30/20kg (Total weight)
WPG2OH 15/10

Farmers Carry: 40/30kg (Total weight) 
WPG2OH: 20/15kg

Each Person will carry their Plates up to their 1st marker. Perform their Burpees and WPG2OH then carry their plates to the second marker and continue like so until the individual has finished 9 reps at the last marker.

Workout #3:

Double Tabata (max reps) 8 minutes

KB Swing

Intermediate: 16/12kg KB – Toes to Knees/Knees
Advance: 20/16kg KB – Toes/Toes to Knees

Normal Tabata rules: 20 seconds work 10 seconds rest
You will alternate between Pushups and KB Swings.
Every rep is counted as a point. Max points will be your score in 8 minutes


In the event of a TIE there will be a FACE OFF.


Surprise workout!

In Health and Happiness. 


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