Member Notice Board


December 25th - CLOSED
December 26th - Boxing Day - CLOSED
December 27th - 9:30am ONLY
December 28th - 9:30am ONLY
December 29th - Normal Classes (8am and 9:15am)
December 30th Normal Class (8am)
December 31st - CLOSED
January 1st - CLOSED

Upcoming Events at Ho-Fo

SUMMER COMP DAY - TBAPre packaged Yoghurt and pro-biotics (TBA) 
Christmas Party at Nepean River (TBA)

Completed Events 
Thursday Night Feasts (7:30pm) - 02/08/2012
Rasied $235 for MS Sydney To wollongong - 2012
Raised  $235 for Breast Cancer - Dragon Boat Race - 2012
Comp Day - Spring - 2012
Boxing Classes - August 2012

Health and Happiness Workshop - August/September
Open 7 days a week - July/August
 Sunday Comp Day - 10.6.2012
New Class times - July August - 2012
 180 nutrition In Stock
Grass Fed Whey Protein Powder (in stock 1.6.2012)
Saturday Sunday Dinner - 2.10.2012
Holistic Helpers - Help out in Fitness for Autism Day
Zen Garden and Grass area Installed - 1.5.2012
New Pull-up Bar system - Installed
Holistic Helpers Launch - Click to check it out RU OK? Day - Thursday the 15th Sep $485 Raised- Click here
Mirrors Installed -2011
Holistic Helpers - Breast Cancer Big Night in - $1000 Raised - 2011
Fans Power Points -2011



  1. AND MIRRORS!!!! ;)

  2. Why would you want to go anywhere else?????? :-)

  3. Hey, isnt it great Cleo is desexed and doing well? Can we keep the collection jar going for her, so that we can reimburse Shane and pay for anything she may need in the future?
