Sunday, May 29, 2011


Chloe doing an AWESOME handstand

Focus: Snatch Balance

40:40 (24 mins)
6 sets

BB Sumo Deadlift High Pull
DB Squat Press
KB Multi Directional Lunge

Core: (6mins) 60/60
SB side bend

Foam roll: Long Lie 5 minutes


Focus: BB Power Snatch

Max reps in one minute:

4 rounds: 20 minutes

Box Jumps
Ring Pushups
MB slams
Partner Burpees

Core: (6 minutes) 60/60
SB situps

Wall stretch: Squat Stretch, hammy stretch (hold for at least 2 minutes)



Focus: (hand eye co-ordination)
40:20 - 8 sets

Throw a tennis ball at a marked spot on the wall and catch with opposite hand. 40:20 8 sets

30:30 (20 minutes)
10 sets

Rope climbs (back to standing)
Barbell Clean & Press

Foam Roll: (8 minutes)

Calves and Glutes 2 mins a side


Hey Kim!! Myself and everyone here at Holistic Foundations wishes you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!


40:20 (8 sets)
Ring dips


21 - 15 - 9

Kb Swing
Ring Pullups/Pullups On The Bar
400m Run

Core: (3 sets) 60/60
Turkish Get Ups

Tennis Ball: Use the tennis ball in 3 different spots for 2 minutes at a time.


Interval Strength

Focus: 40:20 (8 sets)

Kettle Bell swings (start light, nail the form then progress within the 8 sets UNBROKEN)

40:20 (8 sets)
24 minutes

Barbell Deadlifts (Pick a weight you can lift for 40 seconds any less and it’s to heavy)
OH Walking Lunges (choose from 2.5kg plate to a 25kg plate)
Pushups on the ground

Hip Extension Knee Flexion
TVA Heel Taps

Foam Roll: After workout roll out ANY tight spots but focus on lower body (ITB, TFL, Psoas etc)

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Super Saturday

Ashur Shimoomomson doing what he does best! Training!!!

Saturday Saved!!!

Warm up: Tug of war with the big rope best of 10 rounds! (swap sides at 5 rounds)
45 seconds rest between rounds. (20 min Cut of)

2-4-8-16-16-8-4-2 (30min cut off)

Knees to elbows
Jack Knife (no push)
KB swings
Walking Lunge (optional: weight plate above head)

Every 2 minutes you must stop and perform 5 burpees then continue.

Core: 60/60 (6 minutes)

Supine Holds on SB
Pushup position Holds (stay active)


ATTENTION: Due to me being away this Friday for a sporting event, there will be no one to take the 6:30pm class ONLY. 6am and 9:30am will run as usual. Thank you for your understanding.

Focus: 400m Intervals X 3 (TRY to beat your last times from last time) Rest as long as it takes to do the 400m (20 min cap)

(5 sets - 25 mins)

Stair climbs (with BWT or DB's)
SA Squat Press
SA Pull with Rotation

Core: 60/60

Skipping Rope

FOAM ROLL: Tight Spots!!! Find and hunt them down. Destroy your tightness.


What's for dinner at your house?


5 sets (25 minutes)

Max reps in 20 seconds of:

MB slams
Horizontal MB throws
Double Unders
DB Ground 2 OH

Core: 60/60
SB crunch
Prone Cobra

FOAM ROLL: Five sweeps of your quads, hammys and calves.



(6 sets - 24 minutes)

SL DB deadlifts
KB front Squat
Ring Pulls (straight body)

Core: 60/60


Sunday, May 22, 2011




Max Wall Sits x 3 sets
Add collective time for score.

For time:

4 sets

20 Push Press
20 Lateral Box Step Up (Alternate legs)
20 Weight Plate - Ground to Overhead
Speed bump 2 Speed bump interval

CORE: 60/60 (6 mins)
3 Position Heel Taps

Foam roll: (5 lines each leg)
Quads, TFL/ITB, Psoas or any tight problem spots you may have. Ask me for help if need be.


broad Jump
Record total distance.

Metabolism Building


Lunge Rotation Press
Rope Climb/Pull
Sumo Dead High Pull

Core: 6-/60 each side

PNF - Squat

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Super Saturday

Rep for rep: Pick a partner of similar skill and strength. The idea here is to go REP FOR REP. You go, partner goes, each time matching the rep range. EG:
I do 1 pushup, you do 1. I then do 2 push ups, you do 2 push ups and so on till one person gives up and can no longer go (depending on the rep range you end at you may have to then go back down to One again).

Lunge box Step up
Pull ups on rings/bar


Side Flexion on swiss ball

3 sets (6 mins)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANGELA!! From all of us at Hol Found!



KB front Squat
Turkish Get up
Prone Jack Knife (No Push Up)

7 sets (21 minutes)


Anterior/Posterior Rocks


Ashur, doing what more of us should do daily, being still! Good work mate!

Speed and Power:

5 burpess
10 Push Press
15 Box jumps/step ups
20 MB slams


Opposing arm and leg
Fwd Ball Roll

3 sets (6mins)



Sumo High Pull
Wall Ball

10 sets (26.40 minutes)


Superman on SB


Lara and Mini. The worlds cutest dogs! They have the right idea. Always happy and careless. Dogs are the best!


1 min Max Mountain Climbers
2 min Max Rope Climbs back to standing
3 mins Max 10m intervals
4 mins Max Double Unders

2 sets (20 minutes)


3 sets (6 mins)
3D Heel Taps


Fully stocked fridge of grass fed/finished produce. Helping everyone in the community get access to HEALTHY meats from HAPPY HEALTHY animals. Come in and get some today!

40: 20

One Arm Ring Pulls
One leg Squat
One arm SB chest press

4 sets (24 minutes)


Skipping Rope
3 sets (6 mins)

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Super Saturday

Speed and Power:

20:40 - 6 sets

Plyo Lunges/Step Back (hand on knee)
Wall Ball
Box Jumps/Step ups
Prone jack Knife

Focus: 400m runs X 2 (rest as long as it took youto run the distance)

Coach: Justine Beath

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Getting the kids involved in your workout can be fun! It also sets them up for the healthiest start to life you can ask for.

30/30 - 8 sets (24 mins)

BB Cleans
BB Deadlift
KB swings

60/60 - 3 sets(6 mins)

SB Crunch
Opposing arm and leg on the ground.


Enjoy your time overseas Tysha - we will all miss you

Endurance (30 min cut off)


DB/KB/BB Snatch (One each arm)
Double-Unders (Double round number)
75m Interval (only Up and back for the 75m interval)

Core: 60/60 (6 mins)

SB - side bends

Sunday, May 8, 2011




8 sets (24mins)

Rotation (circular) MB slams
Ring Push-up
Rope Drag


TVA Heel Taps
Hip Extension


Chloe and Kim killing Super Saturdays workout

Speed & Power:



8 Sets (16 mins)

Ring Pull or Rope Pull
Sit up/Crunch
MB slams


3 x 400m intervals 1:1 (WR)

Core: 60/60

3 sets (6 mins)

Skipping Rope - internal/external rotations

FOAM ROLL TIGHT SPOTS 2mins each spot!


Good start to the day with a HEALTHY breakfast



5 sets (24 minutes)

BB SB Chest Press
Sumo Deadlift High Pull w/ KB
SL Box Squat


60/60 - 6mins

3D Standing Heel Taps

Sunday Dinner Recap!


That is the first word that comes to mind when I think back to yesterday afternoon and the types off food we had!

Plenty of fun was had from standing on Swiss-balls to playing handball at an intense level!! Where a king among kings was crowned, champion! The final death rally between Belinda and I was crazy! Special mention to our good friend Dean the 8 year old for constantly putting his body on the line trying to save some skilful shots! haha

I know what you're thinking. SHOW ME THE FOOD!
here is what everyone made for our Saturday night Sunday dinner!

Belinda & Nathan:

What they used:

2kg Ground Beef
Coconut Oil for cooking
1 Onion
2 zucchini
2 carrots
8 gloves of crushed Garlic
12 teaspoons of curry powder
4 teaspoons of cinnamon
Pepper and salt to taste

How'd they do it?

Heat oil in pan
put meat of choice in mixing bowl
great onion, zucchini, carrot, and garlic and combine
add curry paste, ground cinnamon, salt and pepper
mix with hands
form ball with mix and flatten into patties
cook on medium to low fo 10-12 mins turning sides until cooked
top with guacamole

ENJOY! (thanks for the recipe guys they were DELICIOUS)


Brett: (If you read this Brett, can you add recipe to comments, thanks)


Justine & Michael:(M and J can you please add recipe to comments


Steve Zekic: Pork spare ribs (Steve, can you please add recipe to comments)


Courtney & Lynne: Cocao, coconut, egg and mint shakes:

Add 2 eggs
Add 100g coconut
200mls of coconut water
1 teaspoon of cocoa
1 drop of peppermint oil


Jo & Toddy:
Chicken Salad (there was a better name then that but I forgot the name, sorry)


Justine and I: Lamb, carrot, garlic, onion salt and Pepper.

Super easy
Cast Iron pot
pop in all ingredients
slow cook for 4-8 hours


There were a few more dishes but I have run our of blogging time (I allocate 30mins to these blogs and I'm running over time. arggh)

Thank you everyone who came out to join in on the great food, the good company and the elite game of handball! haha

It was a great gathering and hopefully we all now have a few more skills in the kitchen to cook organic, free range, pasture fed locally sourced foods! :)

Also, WELCOME HOME Lynne, Dave and Jordan! Good to have you all back :)

See you all at the next Sunday Dinner in a fortnight. Remember these dinners are for EVERYONE no cost just come along and join in! :) If you haven't yet attended an event here make sure you come along to our next one!

In health and happiness,

Friday, May 6, 2011

Success is achievable for us all :)

Do you want to be successful at things in life?

Then can you honestly say to yourself and others that you are doing these 8 things:

1. Passion
Do you have passion for what you want. Passion is the number one DRIVER for all things achieved in life. If the passion is high for what you're doing then success can be draw from that because your passion is important. Harness it and show it to others, daily!

2. Work
Do you work hard at what you want? Is it on your TOP LIST OF THINGS TO DO TODAY! If not, then are you really working towards anything at all?

3. Focus.
Where do you spend most of your focus? Are you energising the CORRECT things in your life and aiming enough focus at these things to get what you want?

Are you persistent with what you want? Someone once told me " success is just getting up one more time then you have been knocked down" I like this quote a lot. Persistence will always be there if passion and focus is STRONG!

5. Ideas
Ideas are ALWAYS around us. Ideas on EVERYTHING. Look around your surrounding and think what do people need/want. How can I make this simple for everyone. How can i do the most good? Ideas support your success!

6. Good
Are you good at something? Get good at something and follow to success! Practice won't make perfect. Only perfect practice will make perfect.

Where is your push? Is it external, is it Internal? Do you have a support network pushing you to be the best you can be? Push yourself, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

8. Serve
Serve others something of value. Give them value where you see it is needed. Don't always expect something in return. You being able to express your ability to serve another person in life should be reward enough.

Share stories of success and experiences to comments. Who do you look up to for your motivation to be the best you can be in all of lifes areas? Health, career, love etc

In health and happiness,

Shane Richards

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Super Saturday

Super Saturday Session!

5 rounds:
40/20 (10 minutes)
Group A - Stair Climbs
Group B – Reptilian Pushups

Rest 2 minutes

5 rounds:
40/20 (10 minutes)

Group A – Horizontal Rope Pull 16/28
Group B – Shuttle Run with Lateral Roll

Rest 2 minutes

Group A: Works together to Move all weight in the GYM from one end to the other

Group B: While they do this, group B will Go through:
60/60 For as many cycles as it takes group A to finish
SB supine Bridge Hold
Forward Ball Roll

Then you will swap and group B will put the gear back while group A does the core cycles!! :)

Going to be AWESOME!!

Fun Friday

Pick something you can't do and give it ago for at least 10 minutes

30/30 - 8 sets (24 minutes)

Ring dips
Ring Pulls/Full Pullups
KB - Multi Directional Lunge

60/60 - 3 sets (6 minutes)

SB crunch



5 sets:

Every 1 minute 30 (6 min approx)
BB - Front Squat

5 rounds
Deadlifts x 5
Burpees x 10

Knee Flexion
Hip Extension

Sunday, May 1, 2011



Broad Jumps


6 sets (24 minutes)

One Leg Deadlift
Horizontal Ring Pull
BB Push Press

60/60 (6 minutes)

Skipping Rope


Speed and Power

Max Height Box Jumps

Every Minute On the Minute:

5 sets (25 minutes)

5 - Dumbbell Burpees
10 - Box jumps/Step ups
15 - MB Slams
20 - Squats
25/75 - Double Unders/Singles


Opposing Arm and Leg
TVA - Heel Taps


Max Ring holds for 3 sets. (30 Seconds rest after each set)
Record total time.

Metabolism Building


Lunge Rotation Press
Rope Climb/Pull
Sumo Dead High Pull

PNF - Squat