Interval Strength
Focus: 40:20 (8 sets)
Kettle Bell swings (start light, nail the form then progress within the 8 sets UNBROKEN)
40:20 (8 sets)
24 minutes
Barbell Deadlifts (Pick a weight you can lift for 40 seconds any less and it’s to heavy)
OH Walking Lunges (choose from 2.5kg plate to a 25kg plate)
Pushups on the ground
Hip Extension Knee Flexion
TVA Heel Taps
Foam Roll: After workout roll out ANY tight spots but focus on lower body (ITB, TFL, Psoas etc)
WOW, what a workout today's session was. It was nice to see you Shane doing it along side us mortals. Great class John. What doesn't kill us mades us stronger right :D