Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Fun Friday

Pick something you can't do and give it ago for at least 10 minutes

30/30 - 8 sets (24 minutes)

Ring dips
Ring Pulls/Full Pullups
KB - Multi Directional Lunge

60/60 - 3 sets (6 minutes)

SB crunch


  1. First 4 sets used:
    24kg Bell - with 10kg vest
    No less then 5 dips unbroken each set - with vest
    12 pullups un broken each set - with vest

    Second 4 sets used
    28kg Kettle Bell - with 10kg vest
    No less then 6/7 dips on every set with vest
    10/11 Rung pulls each set with vest


    Super man was almost unbroken only around 3 touches each set

    Hamstring stretch 2 mins total
    Hip Flexer stretch 2 mins each side

  2. Handstand push-ups - I managed to get a couple out that were 'half way' down, was unable to go all the way down and push back up.
    My goal for the end of month will be to at least do 1, I really want to be able to do 5.

    Ring dips - I did the hardest way for me whilst still using the band just not relying on it. I did this for half the set and then did the easy way but did steady and non stop reps.

    Ring pull-ups - strong and steady the majority of the way through.

    KB lunges - 12kgs, usually kept within 25-30secs. Steady and constant.

    My goal for this workout is to get more reps out of the lunges and pull-ups. For the ring dips I want to be able to do at least 5 steady dips without the band by the end of the month :)

  3. Awesome work and GREAT focus Corinne! :)

    I like the way you set out your comment. Focused and determined to get better here in the gym. No point in wasting time else where. You can do it and it's going to be awesome to see you achieve these goals and progress every week! :)
