Friday, June 24, 2011

Super Saturday

Tysha Smahing up the sled push

Trudys Birthday workout! With HATS!!!

Focus: In groups(5 minutes on each)
Sled Push (learn how to use the sleds before the workout)
200m buddy Carry (Swap at each end with partner)

(If group is larger then normal I will add more focus)

AMRAP (incline) 20 minute

10m Sled Push
1 Thruster BB/KB
1 V - Sit-up to standing
1 Toes To Rings/Knees To Elbows

10m Sled Push
2 Thruster BB/KB
2 V - sit-up to standing
2 Toes To Rings/Knees To Elbows

10m Sled Push
3 Thruster BB/KB
3 V - sit-up to standing
3 Toes To Rings/Knees To Elbows

***EVERYTHING is scalable to YOUR INDIVIDUAL NBEDS. No stress***
**Go as high as you can for as many rounds/reps as possible in 20 minute*
*Every 2 minutes 2 X Burpees*

1 comment:

  1. Iam so disappointed you forgot the burpees every 2 minutes
