Monday, July 11, 2011


What's for breaky, lunch and dinner today?

Focus: Practice an exercise that you feel you don’t get a chance to do often.

30/50 Box jump
30/50 MB Slams
30/50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood
30/50 Knees to elbows
30/50 Supermans
30/50 Burpees
30/50 Double Unders

Core: 3 sets (6 min)
SB crunch
SB Superman


  1. 18:43 using 16kg kb, 20 inch box, 5kg med ball

  2. 18.53 (ONE ARMED) 8kg KB and 3kg MB. Small box. 200 single skips, cos I sux at double unders

  3. 18:14 using 12kg KB, 2x25kg plates & 1x15kg plate for box jumps.
    200 Single skips.
    Loved the workout.
    Core was good.
    Can feel myself getting stronger and faster :-)

  4. Awesome work guys! Love to read your comments on the work outs.

    Did this workout on my own at lunch time.

    16:?? (24kg Kettle Bell, 9kg MB)

    Was fun! :)

  5. totally pooped after this workout. It must have been good!
