Sunday, July 24, 2011

25/7/2011 - 30/07/2011

Starting position to the: Deadlift, Snatch, Clean! Learn good SET UP, it will determine the rest of the lift!!

Monday the 25th Of July

40:40 (L:R – No rest)

5 Sets (30 minutes)

One Arm Pull with Rotation
One Arm KB Bent Over Row
BB Deadlifts


SB Crunch

Sunday Dinner will still be on every fortnight. The next one is THIS Sunday the 31st of July! EVERYONE is welcome!

Tuesday the 26th Of July:

15 minute AMRAP
1 Thruster
1 Double Under

2 Thrusters
2 Situps
2 Double Unders

(continue as high as possible in 15 minutes)

Core: 60/60 (6mins)

PNF Squat

Wednesday 27th Of July:


Walking Lunge with Alternating Press
Strict Pull Up/Bands

8 sets (24 minutes)

Core: 60/60 (6 mins)

Skipping Rope

Thursday the 28th Of July:

For Time:
Complete 7 rounds for time of:
• 7 power snatches (as heavy as possible for 7 unbroken reps)
• 7 box jumps (max height that is comfortable for 7 reps but not EASY!)


60/60 (6mins)

Hip Extension
V - Holds Mb Rotation

It's not over till Trudys laying on the floor in her own sweat!

Friday the 29th Of July:

40/20 – 8 sets (24 minutes)

BB/DB/KB Push Press
Jack Knife (no push)

Core: 60/90 – 3 sets (7.5minutes)

Forward Ball Roll
SB Bridge

Get out of the house and get into the sun and start making some Vit D! Enjoy yourself!!

Saturday the 30th Of July:

As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes:

10 Burpees
20 MB Slams
10 BB Power Cleans
3 Stair Climbs


60/60 – 3 sets (6 mins)

Star Fish


  1. Hey everyone!!

    So JOhnny and Chloe dropped me off at the airport. Gone through Customs and now at the gate and they have a bout 50 mac book pros for people to use while waiting here.. thought this is a good time to leave you all a msg.

    As much as i will enjoy my holiday, my everyday life working with you all at Ho-Fo is like a holiday and you will all be missed by me.

    Each one of you bring so much to my happiness.

    Keep training hard, while i'm gone! During me being away i would like each of you at some point to comment and let me know how you are all doing. I would LOVE to see some PB and new skills learnt posted so i can read when i get access to the net.

    health and happiness,


  2. Hey Shano
    Did the hour of power Stu and I thought that we
    Would finish with the 7 power Snatch 7 box jump
    WOD @ 45kg
    MP. 7:13
    Stu 8:25

  3. Awesome work guys!!! killed it.

    That's a quick time! Hope everything is going well and you are liking the training. Talk soon. Keep me updated!!!

  4. did Thursday nights workout with 20kg Powercleans and box jumps with 325kg plates and 1 15 kg plate.
    time was 9:00 on the dot.
    LOVED the workout. Hard but satisfying.
    Miss you Shane.
    Pete's taking great care of us :-)

  5. Did Friday nights WOD using 20kg bar, 12kg KB and swiss ball.
    L:ove the workout and went as hard as I could.
    Thanks Johnnie for being such a good coach!

  6. Miss you too Dona! Greatto hear you doing so well and Awesome work on your Box Jumps!!
