Sunday, July 17, 2011

Tuesday the 19th July

Deadlifts in my slippers? Why not!!

10 sets (26.40 minutes)


BB Deadlift
One Leg Box Squat

Core: 60/60 x 3 sets (6 minutes)
Skipping Rope

Note: Pick a load that you can handle for a tension time of 40 seconds for the deadlifts. If you have to keep dropping the bar before the 40 seconds then the weight will be to heavy and you should adjust accordingly. No rest on the left or right leg and straight into the deads. rest only between bar and box.


  1. Did BB Deads @40kg
    1 leg box squats not so easy. Shane makes it look easy though. Used the rings.
    Determined to get better at these.
    Loved the core. Hurt so bad.... LOL
    Sad to be missing out on the rest of the week.

  2. I can feel my legs today!!
