Sunday, October 9, 2011

9.10.2011 - 16.10.2011

Monday the 10th October

Josh rocking his Birthday horns next to his soon to be wife Meeks! ;)

MAX/FOCUS: Find your best 5RM Push Press


Squat Cleans
Double Unders

Reps will look like this:





Core: 90/90 (9 minutes)
Swissball Bridge
Pushups Hold Position

Tuesday 11th October

I enjoy nothing more then waking up to 15 KEEN and MOTIVATED people on a SATURDAY ready to give their BEST. Make the most of your opportunities.

Max/Focus: Find your 5 RM Deadlift (20 minutes)


Reptilian Pushups
Stair Climbs

12 sets (24 Minutes)

Core: 60/30/30 (6 minutes)
SB Crunch
SL Hip Extension

Wednesday 12th October
Kylie, Pete and Ashur Enjoying the great out doors up at the Three Sisters!

Focus: Pick any movement you wish to workout and complete 5 sets unbroken at a 40:20 (W:R) tempo. All 5 sets must be unbroken. If you fail to do so, start your rounds again.


2-4-8-16-16-8-4-2 (30min cut off)

Knees to elbows
Jack Knife (no push)
KB swings
Walking Lunge (optional: weight plate above head)

every 2 minutes Stop to do 3 Burpees

Core: 60/60 - 3 sets

Starfish (alternarte sides)

Thursday the 13th October

Congratulations to Kate for having lost 4.4kgs this month and WELL on her way to a healthy and happy life! :)

Focus: Rope Climb Technique (no one is to climb to the roof, unless a trainer is extremely confident in your abilities)


40:20 (8 sets)
24 minutes

Barbell Deadlifts (Pick a weight you can lift for 40 seconds any less and it’s to heavy)
Walking in a low SQUAT hold
Pushups on the ground

SB Knee Flexion only
TVA Heel Taps

Friday 14th October

What's your excuse?
Foam Rolling /Stretching


Run 800 meters
15 Hang squat snatch
Run 400 meters
15 Squat snatch from mid-thigh
Run 200 meters
15 Squat snatch

MB Rotoations
Prone Cobra


Holistic Foundations and any person/s within Holistic Foundations has produced these workouts for improved movement and lifestyle ability. These movements and lifestyle modifications are NOT appropriate for everyone. Individuals who suffer from disease or are recovering from ANY injury of any sort should consult a physician regarding. The advisability of undertaking any of the activities suggested in these workouts. Health is taking responsibility for YOURSELF. Holistic Foundations or any person/s working in or on behalf of; is neither responsible nor liable for any harm or injuries resulting from these movements and lifestyle modifications described here in.


  1. Tonights workout was great.
    Focus was strict push press of 30kg's.
    Workout was Rowing and Powercleans of 30kg.
    did it in 9:34.
    Feel good. :-)

  2. Monday: 7:29 with 70kgs

    Tuesday: Heaviest stair climb 57kgs

  3. Katrina 'Kate' BeathOctober 11, 2011 at 8:14 PM

    Tuesday - 5RM Deadlift - 80kg.
    Yeah baby!!!

  4. Tuesday nights workout was great.
    5 RM deadlift of 80kg. Target of 110kg's once the knee is better.
    did ring pulls and ring pushups for the workout. Core was great.

  5. Enjoyed Wednesday nights workout.
    Getting better at knees to elbows.
    Used 12 kg KB but will be going 16 next time.
    SB jack knives and SB situps.
    Time was 14:20.
    Core was good.
    Thanks for a fun night Shane

  6. Loving the pics this week Shane. Kate, loving your efforts the last few weeks. Really fantastic!

  7. I second Justines comment :) awesome work Kate! Smashing it :)

  8. Friday 9:30am:

    45kg Snatch for all movements
    Time: 13:35

    Fun workout

    Chloe: 18.28
    Alex: 18:28
    Laurie: 21:15
    Adz: 23:58
    Ang: 25:15
    Trudes: 16:37
    Crystal: 16:48
    Pete: 16:58
    Dale: 17:33
    Donna: 14:20
    Kimmy: 17:58
    Toni: 16:29

    Chloe: 11:20
    Shane: 7:29 (70kgs)
    Jules: 8:31 (25kg)
    Karen: 5rm 45kgs
    Ang: 12.47
    Cindy: 8:36 (25kgs)/5rm - 45kgs
    Lou: 7.55 (25kgs)
    Donna: 9:34

  9. Shane your a machine... even with a busted head
