Sunday, August 28, 2011

29/8/2011 - 4/9/2011

Belindas FIRST Muscle up!!

Monday 29/8/11


15 reps each side 3 sets
KB Turkish Get Ups

30/30 - 6 sets

SB Push Jack-knife
DB Sumo Squat Bicep Curl
Strict Pull-up (palms face you)
KB Multi-Directional Lunge

3 sets 6 mins

Anterior Rocks
Posterior Rocks

New Logo at Ho-Fo

Tuesday 30/8/2011


None. Work out is to long

3min/6/9/12/15 AMRAP (45 Mins)

(1 minute rest at the end of each AMRAP)

10 Interval 10m Sprints

15 T2B
20 Wall balls

25 Burpee,

20 Push press,
15 Ring Pulls (Horizontal Loading)

(You can SCALE reps. However if you finish the workout in under 9 mins do it again!)

How it works:

You start the work out from the top of the list, starting with the first 3 min AMRAP.
You work your way through each element completing designated reps.
If you FINISH the workout in any one of the AMRAPS then your work is done.
However, if you do not finish the workout in time you complete the next AMRAP giving you an extra 3 minutes to finish the workout.
The Idea is to get the work DONE.


3 sets – 6 minutes
SB Crunch

4 point

Justine in a good front rack position

Wednesday 31/8/2011

Focus: Row/Run/Walk/Jog

40:20 (no rest) – 10 sets (20 minutes)

Deadlift (Slow and controlled tempo (3:3)


Go heavy, for you. That may be 8kgs or it may be 80kgs. However, you MUST be able to handle the load for 40 seconds over 10 sets. You may increase weight SET by SET if need be

60/60 3 sets 6 minutes

Skipping rope

.Sunday Dinner - 4pm Every Fortnight. Where are you??

Thursday 1/9/2011

Focus: Band sprints – FUN!

Five rounds for time of:

40 Double-Unders
30 Box jumps

20 Kettlebell swings


60/60 3 sets - 6 mins

PNF – Squat

Ladder Fun!!

Friday 2/9/2011


Ladder work

30/30 (no rest) – 8 sets (24 minutes)

One arm Snatch

One leg Deadlift

One Arm Pull with rotation


TVA Heel Taps

Hip Extension

Super Saturday

Saturday 3/9/2011


Max Height Box Jump

20 Minute AMRAP

10 Ring Pushup
15 Wight plate Ground to overhead

4 laps of Stairs 2 @ a time (body weight or loaded)

200m Run


3 sets 6 minutes

MB Rotations

Prone Cobra

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Summer Sizzler - Buddy Challenge



The short shorts, bikinis and shirtless season will be upon us soon.

Who wouldn’t want to feel fantastic, fit and fabulous in time for summer!?

This AWESOME 4 week challenge combines Thoughts, Hydration, Rhythm, Movement, Nutrition and Breathing, with a strong focus on Happiness, Health, Support and Motivation from the Ho-Fo community.

Leading up to summer 2011, this awesome program highlights the importance of health, happiness, food choices & activities to support a healthy lifestyle. There will be weekly challenges & weekly group sessions to give your training that boost, as well as weekly prizes, motivational emails and handouts.

Let our Health and Lifestyle coaches help you to look and feel your very best.

What you will receive:

  • Weekly Challenges between you and your buddy
  • 1 hour weekly Group session
  • Weekly Prizes
  • Motivational E-mails and Handouts.
  • Award Ceremony (yes you and your buddy will have a plaque on the wall of Ho-Fo to commemorate your achievements)
  • Any NEW non member will receive a free week of class training to help get them motivated on top of the 1 hour a week group training.

Don’t miss out on being apart of Ho-Fo’s first ever buddy CHALLENGE!

Will it be your name placed up on our wall?

CALL SHANE: 0405 477 843


Hey everyone,

In order to inspire more people to be healthy, active and happy, we have come up with a fantastic new challenge.

I understand how coming into Spring and Summer means that we will all be headed outside more and seeing more sun (ahhhh vit D) . We may have, in the winter period, got use to baggy shirts and pants SO BIG Mc hammer couldn't touch and are now finding as we are stripping back to shorts, singlets and shirts that we are carrying a little to much winter warmth on our bodies.

This challenge is to help with that.

  • Get your friends, family and co-workers to get fit, healthy and active with you.
  • Every new member who decides to take up this challenge will get a free week to train with their buddy here at Ho-Fo.

  • We will be running a 1 hour SUMMER SIZZLER class also for everyone involved.

  • Each week there will be a challenge set for all the buddies who have entered. These challenges will be chosen to utilise all aspects of fitness. eg: Max percentage of body weight lifted, fastest XX metre time on the run/bike/row, Highest box jump, longest broad jump, longest hang, max reps of a specific movement in a certain time domain, biggest percentage of body fat lost.. etc etc.

    This way, we will see results in al aspects of our health and fitness.

    Points will be awarded to each group over 4 weeks.

    Point will be added up after 4 weeks to declare a winner.

    Weekly Prizes so everyone has a chance to be a winner.

    Award ceremony at the end to congratulate EVERY person who contributes to becoming a better then in time for SUMMER!

    So lets all get a jump start on Summer, get together as a community and achieve some LIFE CHANGING results.

    Any Questions:

    Call on: 0405 477 843

In Health and Happiness,

Shane Richards

Friday, August 26, 2011


Warm up: ladder sets


Teams of 3

150kb front squat (one kb between teams or pairs)
2500kg total deadlift (pick a weight for the team divided 2500kg by the weight you pick)

20 wheel barrow laps

50 toes to bar

Every 3minutes 25 double unders

Any team member not work has to hold either a prone or a wall squat

SB crunch
Prone Cobra

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Monday the 22/8/2011 - 28/8/2011

Monday the 22nd August 2011

MAX ring dips in 3 minutes (set your stop watch to 3 mins and GO!)


21 reps of:

KB swings
Box jumps
MB slams

400m Run

15 reps of:

KB swings
Box jumps
MB slams

400m Run

9 reps of:

KB swings
Box jumps
MB slams

400m run

Foam ROLL:
Quads, Glutes, Calves and Hamstrings AFTER workout!!

Tuesday 23rd August 2011

Practice a gymnastics movement. Dips, Pushups, Handstands, Pullups, Muscle Ups.


Walking Lunge with Alternating Press
Strict Pull Up/Bands/Rings

8 sets (24 minutes)

Core: 60/60 (6 mins)

Skipping Rope

Wednesday the 24th August 2011


Snatch Balance


4 Rounds for time:

25 x Burpees
50 x Double Unders

TVA Heel Taps
Superman FULL off Swissball

Thursday 25th August 2011


Clean and Jerk


Box Single Leg Squat
SB prone Pike
Horizontal MB Throws

MB V - Rotations on butt
Hip Extension

Friday 26th August 2011


Sumo Deadlift Position

5 Rounds

10 x Push Jerk
20 x Sumo Deadlift High Pull


Crab Walks
Commando Crawls

Saturday 27th August 2011

Thursday, August 11, 2011

15th August Till the 17th August

Monday the 15th August


DB/KB Alt Squat Curl Press
Pull Up
8 sets 21:20

Core 60:60
Hip Ext
3 sets 6mins

Tuesday Endurance

20:10 8 sets 2mins rest between each

Alt Lunge Circular Chop
Kipping Bar Dip
Box Jump
KB Swing
Anterior Rocks
Posterior Rocks

Wednesday the 17th August

10 sets 20mins


Ring Sprints

Core 60:60

Swissball Upper Body Twist
Palms to elbows (plank bridge Position)

3 sets 6mins

Thursday, August 4, 2011

8th of August till the 14th of August

Monday the 8th August:

40:40 – 6 sets (24 minutes NO rest between sides or movements)

Lunge/Box Steps Ups
One leg squat each leg
One arm KB press

Tuesday 9th August:

6 rounds (24 minutes) 30:30

DB Wood Chop
Ring Pushups
DB SB chest press

Core: 3 sets 60/60
Skipping Rope

Wednesday 10th August:


Weight Plate G2OH
Box Jumps
100m Sprint Per Round

Core: 90/90 – 3 sets 9 minutes

Supine Lateral Ball Roll
Bridge- Hip extension holds on SB

Thursday 11th August


SB Jack Knife
MB horizontal Throws
Plyo Horizontal Ring Pullups (bucking Bronco)

Core: 60/60 – 3 sets 6 minutes
PNF Squat One legs

Friday 12th August

40/20 – 10 Rounds (20 minutes)

KB Front Squats
BB Push Press

Core: 3 sets (6 minutes)
SB Hip extension
Knee Flexion

Saturday 13th August


KB Swings
Pushup Up – Release at the bottom
KB Turkish Get-Up’s

Core: 90/90 - 3 sets (9 minutes)

Pushup Holds
SB Supine Bridge Holds