MAX/FOCUS: Find your best 5RM Push Press
Squat Cleans
Double Unders
Reps will look like this:
Core: 90/90 (9 minutes)
Swissball Bridge
Pushups Hold Position
Max/Focus: Find your 5 RM Deadlift (20 minutes)
Reptilian Pushups
Stair Climbs
12 sets (24 Minutes)
Core: 60/30/30 (6 minutes)
SB Crunch
SL Hip Extension
Focus: Pick any movement you wish to workout and complete 5 sets unbroken at a 40:20 (W:R) tempo. All 5 sets must be unbroken. If you fail to do so, start your rounds again.
2-4-8-16-16-8-4-2 (30min cut off)
Knees to elbows
Jack Knife (no push)
KB swings
Walking Lunge (optional: weight plate above head)
every 2 minutes Stop to do 3 Burpees
Core: 60/60 - 3 sets
Starfish (alternarte sides)
Focus: Rope Climb Technique (no one is to climb to the roof, unless a trainer is extremely confident in your abilities)
40:20 (8 sets)
24 minutes
Barbell Deadlifts (Pick a weight you can lift for 40 seconds any less and it’s to heavy)
Walking in a low SQUAT hold
Pushups on the ground
SB Knee Flexion only
TVA Heel Taps
Friday 9th of March
It's only 800m WALK if you have to but do it with a smile on your face and a happy positive thought in your mind!
Foam Rolling /Stretching
Run 800 meters
15 Hang squat snatch
Run 400 meters
15 Squat snatch from mid-thigh
Run 200 meters
15 Squat snatch
MB Rotoations
Prone Cobra
Saturday - Keep an eye out!
Also, a bunch of Holistic Foundation members have signed up for Reebok's 2012 Crossfit Games Opens. The last 2 weeks I have been taking them through the workouts and recording them all and uploading them to youtube. Jump on to our Youtube channel to watch them and add your support. Everyone has been challenging them selves and really giving their best to each workout.
Michael, congratulations on taking your first class this week, under my very watchful eye. You're well on your way to finishing your cert IV in a few weeks so keep on focused and smashing them books! Look forward to you being able to have your very own time slot of classes one day. Also keep an eye out for Belinda and Kara who are right behind Michael on their journey into the health and fitness industry.
Kate, good to see you are back from BALI and re-focus last weeks energy into smashing out Saturdays group class.
AWESOME work from everyone who was snatching PB's this Saturday! What a great thing to be a part of. Love it.
DBA challenge in full swing. So many people who are working towards their goals and staying accountable. Check out the facebook page we have for more details.
We have a fresh meat order in from East Blaxland Butchery. Lamb, beef all your regular cuts. T-bone, chops, cutlets, rump, eye fillet, sirloin and mince! Come get it while it lasts it sells out FAST. All cry sealed and pre packaged will last around 1 - 2 weeks in the fridge.
All eggs are in too, free range and organic. Will sell FAST.
See you all Monday!
In health and happiness,
Shane Richards
Holistic Foundations and any person/s within Holistic Foundations has produced these workouts for improved movement and lifestyle ability. These movements and lifestyle modifications are NOT appropriate for everyone. Individuals who suffer from disease or are recovering from ANY injury of any sort should consult a physician regarding the advisability of undertaking any of the activities suggested in these workouts. Health is taking responsibility for YOURSELF. Holistic Foundations or any person/s working in or on behalf of; is neither responsible nor liable for any harm or injuries resulting from these movements and lifestyle modifications described here in.
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