Sunday, November 14, 2010

What Have You Changed In 12 Months?

Life changes, constantly!

Life is amazing and the only CONSTANT is change!
Pretty cool huh!?!

I was sitting here thinking of all the changes that I have made in the last year and a bit. Mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Here is what I came up with.

I changed:
I changed my hair
I changed my clothes
I changed the way I brush my teeth
I eat more eggs then anyone I know
I changed my diet and now eat mainly meat
My diet is 70% fresh, happy, healthy and whole pasture raised fats
I have dropped carbohydrate consumption down to 60g a day at most
I changed the way I vote, instead of voting once a year I now vote every day with my dollar.
I care more now then ever about the environment
I care about humanity and understand it more
I changed the way I see myself and now I care more about myself then I ever did
I have a great connection with the earth and changed my perception and instead of always taking I try to give back to this amazing life force that gives to me everyday
I have created a website and change how my voice is heard
I have several new clients, together we are changing!
I changed the way I store my foods (in glass)
I don’t buy plastic bottles anymore (instead I use Klean Kanteen stainless steel bottle)
I try my best not to use plastic bags where I can (re-usable)
I learnt to cook good whole foods
I changed how I cook and now slow cook 80% of my meats
I changed how I eat and now I eat raw foods more often
I have changed my perception on life. I don’t know that thinking and being positive will work all of the time, but I do know negativity will!
I now cook with stainless steel and not Teflon
I go to bed at 10:30 or before almost every night (expect now cause I have THIS on my mind) haha
I changed the way I breathe (deep belly, instead of shallow neck and chest breaths)
I changed the way I train. Smarter, not harder.
I changed the way I see the seasons. I try to cleanse with them and work with them.
I changed the people I hang out with and socialise with
I changed the way I spend my 24 hours and realise we all have the same time in each day, the only difference is what i do with mine.
I decided to start practical mediation
I changed my rush around and panic life style for one that’s slow paced and more relaxed. I now MAKE time to lay in the sun when it’s out.
I changed where I live

These are honestly just the changes I have thought of in the last 15 minutes I have been sitting here. I know there are PLENTY more and there should be!

Are you changing? Are you growing? Are you moving forward or standing still?
These are questions that I like to ask..

Just like migrating animals, moving on with life means growth and survival. Standing still and not doing anything can mean death. It’s not so morbid or dramatic when you think about how important it really is for us all as animals.

It’s been one year. You will all make new years resolutions at the end of this one. But maybe we should first reflect on how much we have done THIS year and give ourselves a big pat on the back and say, well done! What can I now do, to get me to where my life journey will take me?

Post thoughts and changes you’ve made to comments below! I look forward to hearing from you all. :)

Health & Chi

Shane Richards


  1. Great Post Shane, i have also made those similar changes as is great : )

  2. Hi Shane,

    great article. keep up the great work that you do inspiring and encouraging people. Rachel (from mamre) :)

  3. Hey Rachel!

    Thanks for your kind words.

    I am trying my best to get people outto Mamre Rd farm. People are responding. We need to do a Sunday Dinner out there so people can see exactly what's going on! :)

  4. Love it Shane :) I'm excited to say I'm one of your newest clients and can't wait to have a list of changes I've made as big as yours :) I will revisit this blog in 12months and see how far I've come :) I'm 100% commited to this and feel amazing with just the tiny changes I've made so far can't wait to learn more :) what to you do is truely inspiring Shane :) LETS DO IT hehe.

    Luv Chloe :)

  5. Hey Chloe!! :)

    I'm excited to HAVE you as one of my newest clients!! You have already adaptedx so well to the small changes we have made.

    The lifestyle modifications are a small part of a new journey and you'll love it!

    I can't wait to see where you are in 6 months let alone 12! You have the ability, we all do.

    You can do it :)
