Sunday, April 29, 2012

30.4.2012 - 5.5.2012



Beginner 5 sets
Intermediate 7 sets
Advance 10 sets

10 reps

Work with a partner. Your partner will do 10 reps and then you do 10 reps. Move on together to the next exercise. If you don’t have a partner use a stop watch to time how long each set takes you then rest as long as you worked.

Try to slowly increase load as each set goes on. Start lighter and proceed to increase demand.

Box Step Up
Front Squat


Speed and Power
20:40 x 6 rounds

Double Unders
Suicide Crawls (5m Interval)
Ladder Sprints
KB Swings


Work with a partner. Your partner will do 10 reps and then you do 10 reps. Move on together to the next exercise. If you don’t have a partner use a stop watch to time how long each set takes you then rest as long as you worked.

Try to slowly increase load as each set goes on. Start lighter and proceed to increase demand.

Try to slowly increase load as each set goes on. Start lighter and proceed to increase demand.

Beginner 5 sets
Intermediate 7 sets
Advance 10 sets

10 reps

Floor Press
Ring Push-up
Push Press


(92 reps)

Jack Knife
Box Jumps/Step-Ups (don’t go silly on height stay comfortable)


Beginner 5 sets
Intermediate 7 sets
Advance 10 sets

10 reps

Work with a partner. Your partner will do 10 reps and then you do 10 reps. Move on together to the next exercise. If you don’t have a partner use a stop watch to time how long each set takes you then rest as long as you worked.

Try to slowly increase load as each set goes on. Start lighter and proceed to increase demand.

One Arm Pull with Rotation
Bent Over Row


Every Minute On the Minute

1st Minute Thruster 30/40kgs (no Heavier)
2nd Minute K2E
3rd Minute 10m Shuttle

3 Groups

One rep on the First Minute. Adding one rep per minute for a total of 13 minutes and a total of 91 reps if you can make it to the FINAL LEVEL!!! :)

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