Mmm-Bop Monday FocusMax height vertical Jumps X 10 attempts (best one is your score)
Workout40:40 - 6 sets (24 mins)
BB Sumo Deadlift High Pull
DB/BB Thrusters (don’t go to heavy! 40 seconds over 6 sets should be almost unbroken use DB’s if 15kg or 20kgs is to heavy for that load time. Don’t forget that the next movement is a lunge. Awesome leg workout)
KB Multi Directional Lunge with MB rotations
3 sets 6 minutes
SB Lateral Side Bends
Tantalising Tuesday FocusClean and jerk – find your 5 rep max (30 mins MAX)
Workout21 - 15 - 9
Kb Swings (Challenge yourself on these. There are not a lot of reps, obviously form is paramount!)
Ring Pullups/Pullups or On The Bar (Pick the hardest version for your own ability)
400m Run (Ring Sprints, row or bike if running is not an appropriate option for you but 1:30 loading as a scale option)
Core(3 sets) 60/60
Turkish Get Ups
Where's Wally Wednesday
FocusSnatch Practice – Then find your 5rm Power Snatch
WorkoutTabata: 20:10 – 8 sets
V-Sit Up
Double Under
Shoulder Press
Tumbling Thursday WorkoutEndurance:
1 min Max Mountain Climbers
2 min Forward and Backward Plate Slide On Grass(2.5kg Plates)
1 mins Max 10m intervals
2 mins Ring Sprints
(1 min rest between rounds)
4 sets (28 mins)
Count EACH REP! At the end of the round in your rest write up your TOTAL score. Try to stay CONSISTANT with these or BEAT them each round!
3 sets (6 mins)
Forward Ball Rolls
Family Friday
Workout8 rounds for time:
05 Knees To Elbows (40 reps)
10 Pyo Push-Ups (80 reps)
20 MB Slams ( 160reps)
150m Run, row or bike (end of building and back in) (1.2km)
CoreSB Crawls
Hip Pop & Catch (or Hip Extension)
Sizzling Saturday
WorkoutAMRAP 18 mins:
15 MB Horri Throws
10 Weight Plate Sit-Ups
05 Ladder Sprints
03 Stair Climb (with or without weight depending on your own level)
CoreSB Crunch
TVA Heel Taps