Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Due to the Public HOLIDAY this Monday the 3rd HO-FO will only have a 9:30am Class.

6:00am and 6:30pm will not be run. Try to make the 9:30am.

Thank you for your understanding and ENJOY the break everyone!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

26/09/2011 - 1/10/2011

MAD Monday 26/09/2011

Focus: Band sprints – FUN!

Five rounds for time of:
40 Double-Unders
20 Kettlebell swings
10 Pullups

Core: 60/60 3 sets - 6 mins

PNF – Squat

TECHNIQUE Tuesday: 27/9/2011

Doing our part here at Ho-fo to also help the environment!

Focus: Ladder work

30/30 (no rest) – 8 sets (24 minutes)

One arm Snatch

One leg Deadlift

One Arm Pull with rotation


TVA Heel Taps
Hip Extension

WONDERFUL Wednesday 28/09/2011

Pistol Pete - Sumo Deadlift High Pull

Focus: Illinois agility Run - Time

10 Ring Pushup
15 Wight plate Ground 2 Overhead
4 laps of Stairs 2 @ a time (body weight or loaded)

200m Run

Anterior Rocks

Posterior Rocks

TERRIFIC Thursday 29/09/2011

One of our newest members! Say hi to Emma if you see her in your next class

Focus: Broad Jumps – longest distance

Complete 7 rounds for time of:

  • 7 power snatches (as heavy as possible for 7 unbroken reps)
  • 7 box jumps (max height that is comfortable for 7 reps but not EASY!)

Skipping rope

FUN Friday 30/09/2011

6am becoming VERY popular as the mornings heat up and we go from SPRING to SUMMER!

Focus: Max Height Vertical Jump

30/30 – 6 sets (24 minutes)

Front Squats
Ring Dips
Clean and Jerk (slow focused reps)
Reptilian Pushups


MB Rotations
SB Crunch

SUPER Saturday 1/10/2011

Focus: Pinch and a punch for the first day of the month haha
Then, pick a partner and do 400m interval collective time between the both of you goes on board!

Add a rep every minute:

1st minute you do 1 rep of each movement
2nd minute you do 2 reps of each movement
3rd Minute you do 3 reps of each movement

Workout 1: 10m intercals
Workout 2: Burpee/KB swing
Workout 3: Wall Ball/MB Slam

Each Workout has a 15 min CAP.


Elbows to Palms

Hip Etension


Holistic Foundations and any person/s within Holistic Foundations has produced these workouts for improved movement and lifestyle ability. These movements and lifestyle modifications are NOT appropriate for everyone. Individuals who suffer from disease or are recovering from ANY injury of any sort should consult a physician regarding. The advisability of undertaking any of the activities suggested in these workouts. Health is taking responsibility for YOURSELF. Holistic Foundations or any person/s working in or on behalf of; is neither responsible nor liable for any harm or injuries resulting from these movements and lifestyle modifications described here in.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

19.09.2011 - 25.09.2011

Monday 19th Of September


Pete enjoying a hard power clean workout!

Workout Demo (click here)

Handstand Practice


Push-up (creative)
Walking Plate Holding Lunges
KB Front Squat

Core (15 reps 3 sets)
Leg lifts
Prone Cobra

Tuesday the 20th of September

Strength, Courage Confidence - Justine Pearson!

Pushing Snatch Balance (dowel)



Double Unders


15 min AMRAP

Add one rep per round

1 Thurster
1 Double Under

2 Thrusters
2 Double Unders

SB Pass throughs (hands to feet)
Hip Extension

Wednesday 21st Of September 2011

Mustang Sally!

Ladder Intervals 5 sets of 5 movements

30/30 - 8 sets (24 minutes)

BB Sumo Deadlift High Pull
Wall Ball (3-4 second down phase)
KB Multi Directional Lunge

Fwd ball roll
Knee Flexion

Thursday the 22nd of September

What's for dinner?


Speed and Power

Every Minute on the Minute for 6 rounds (24 minutes)

7 Burpees
10 Intervals
15 Box Jumps
25 MB Slams

4 Point Extension
TVA Heel taps

Friday the 23rd of September

Jess being SUPER strong! Go Jess!!


40:20 - 4 sets (4 minutes)

30:30 - 10 rounds (20 minutes)

Shoulder Press
One Leg Box Squats (No rest between sides, just swap legs)

Core 60/60 - 3 sets (6mins)
3 Position Heel taps

Saturday the 24th September

Karens super KB swing!

Understanding optimal Push Press Position

For time:

100 Push Press

(10 KB swings for every time the bar leaves the RACK Position)

Core 60/60 - 3 sets (6mins)
Skipping Rope


Holistic Foundations and any person/s within Holistic Foundations has produced these workouts for improved movement and lifestyle ability. These movements and lifestyle modifications are NOT appropriate for everyone. Individuals who suffer from disease or are recovering from ANY injury of any sort should consult a physician regarding. The advisability of undertaking any of the activities suggested in these workouts. Health is taking responsibility for YOURSELF. Holistic Foundations or any person/s working in or on behalf of; is neither responsible nor liable for any harm or injuries resulting from these movements and lifestyle modifications described here in.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

12.09.2011 - 18.09.2011

Monday the 12th of September 2011

handstand holds

Speed & power

On the minute every minute x 4 rounds (Rest 1 min between rounds) 16 minutes
10 x clapping push ups. With time remaining max Plyo Lunges
10 x dumbbell hang power cleans.. With time remaining Burpees
10 x knees to elbows. With time remaining max Pull Ups

1st minute do 10 reps of push ups then in time remaining do as many lunges as you can. Cycle through movements on the minute every minute followed by a 1 min rest.

Total score is max reps from each round.


60:60 x 3 sets
push up position holds
Heel taps

Tuesday 13th Of September 2011


400m intervals x 3 (work:rest 1:1) Run/Row/Walk/Jog

Bar complex...cycle through the following 5 movements 7 times. Ensure bar does not rest on the ground even to reset the grip. Rest only in the rack position. If failed during set unload and start set again.

Complete 5 x rounds, rest 2 mins between each round.

1x Power clean
1x Front squat
1x Push press
1x Back squat
1x Push press

60:60 3 x sets

skipping rope

Wednesday the 14th Of September 2011


Turkish get up technique

AMRAP in 20 mins:

50 x Air squats
200m run
20 x Barbell Ground to overhead


60:60 x 3 sets

Supine Swiss Ball Leg Lower
Swiss Ball Alt superman

Thursday the 15th Of September 2011


max ring holds
30:30 x 7 sets (28mins)

Pull under rings
Box jumps-max reps (no rest)
SDHP (no rest)


Swiss ball prone pull in
Prone floor cobra

Friday the 16th Of September 2011


Overhead Squat

40:20 x 10 sets

Hang Power Cleans

Kettlebell Swings


60:60 x 3 sets

Prone Aeroplanes
Reverse Crunches

Saturday the 17th Of September 2011

Endurance team workout- teams of 2

3 x rounds

200m run/row
20 x Pull ups (change grip every rest interval)
30 x Reptilian/Normal Push ups
100 x MB Slams (any size ball)
20 x Prisoner Stand Ups
30 x V Sit Ups
100 x Double Unders (workout how many Du's or single skips you do as a modification)
200m run/row

1 person working at a time. Partition reps as needed. Must finish all reps in each movement before progressing to next one.

Person not working must hold a weight (min 20kg kb, 2 x db, weight plate etc) which must not touch the ground at anytime. Must be shared between working person and resting person. Everytime weight touches the ground there is a 300 penalty skip to be done at completion of workout.


partner core
60:60 x 3 sets

Seated back to back Med ball rotation passes (Change direction on 30 secs)
med ball sit up passes

Sunday, September 4, 2011

5.09.2011 - 11.9.2011

Monday 5th Sep 2011

Over head squats


400m (just once at the start)

Kb swings
Push ups

skipping rope

Tuesday 6th Sep 2011

5RM Push Press

Birthday Workout

22min AMRAP:

22 reps Lunge Box Step Up
22 reps Med Ball Horizontal Throw
22 reps Ring Pull Ups (horizontal)

Every 3mins 22 double unders

PNF Squat

Wednesday 7th Sep 2011

Tabata something.
(Pick a movement and work on it 8 sets 20 seconds on 10 seconds off).

30/30 - 8 sets (no rest 24mins)

1arm SB chest Preas
1arm kb bent over row
1arm kb clean press

cross over crunch / hip ext

Thursday 8th Sep 2011

Skin the cats

Tabata: 16 minutes

Air squats
V - situps
Double Unders

60/60 3 sets
start fish

Friday 9th Sep 2011

Snatch Balance

40/20 -10 sets (20 minutes)

Push press
Pull ups

SB super mans / heel taps

Saturday 10th Sep 2011

For time

Wall Balls
Ring Dips

For time:

MB slams

SB crunch / floor Supermans