Sunday, February 6, 2011

Define yourself ??

I have seen a few things this last week that got me thinking!

Who do we define ourselves as?
What do we stand for?
What won't we stand for?

Are you the party animal? The comedian? the victim? the passive one? The aggressive one? The over weight one? The smoker? The healthy one? The fit one? The drunk one? ect

These things will create us, define us. Give us direction.
The reason that I bring it up, is simply because if we change our perspective, we change our life.

Don't you agree that if you see yourself as the person who doesn't like training, hates movement and trying to eat well, then you will become what you perceive.

You start to become someone who is not healthy, doesn't like to train and won't eat well or make healthy decisions because that's not how you see yourself deep down.

Does it not make sense then to change your definition of yourself when trying to make change? Create a big enough WHY/NEED to change and you will.

If you don't have a big enough WHY/NEED for change then you will rely on will power. Will power alone does not work all of the time. Only the extremely disciplined will be able to have enough will power to make change for life.

So what does this mean? I guess what I'm saying is that when I deal with some clients or even friends and family I get a lot of these people telling me what they are, rather then creating who they want to be. They tell me, "I can't eat like that or train that hard or give up drinking, it's just not me!"

That's spot on! They are correct. They have fulfilled there perception of themselves so why would they need to change.

When you see yourself in a different light, you have a bigger WHY/NEED to change.

I see myself as a non-smoker, healthy eating, and movement enthusiast. So if I DON'T include these things in my life daily and make them a strong CORE of who I am then I would not be fulfilling my perception of who I am and feel that I needed to change!

This is STRONGER then will power. This is who you are, what you are. Your core!

Start to think of your self as the things you want to be. If you want to give up drinking or smoking then tell people you are a non smoker or drinker, tell them that that's not who you are and that it's not what you do. You will become this, because it's apart of who you are!

If you keep energising the things you don't want in your life you will get more of the same. Focus on creating the change from within, from who you are, your core values, what you stand for, what you will die for (tad extreme but important).
This will give you a greater chance of success for change!

To wrap it up: We live who we believe we are. If you believe you're healthy, in control and focused on what you want in life. Then you are healthy, focused and in control!!

If you believe that you're overweight, you're a smoker, you're pretty lazy and you can't do that because that's who you are. Then you have defined who you are and what you are. Why would you change when you're, in your mind already the person you want to be.

Anything is possible, there is always a way to do what you want to do. You just have to own what you want!

Post who you define yourself as to comments!! :)

In Health and Happiness

Shane Richards :)


  1. Shane, your like a mind reader. It's like you know exactly when and how someone is facing demon's and you put out the exact right words to help WTF so weird :D

  2. i am me, i choose the healthiest decision available to me in all moments, i choose to live in the present moment as much as possible. this also means that when i am dwelling on the past or projecting into the future, it is about becoming aware of that and bringing myself back to the here and the now, the only moment i have or will ever have.

    my biggest challenge will always be myself, to come to complete acceptance of who i am right now, can be so difficult sometimes. but in there lies my greatest acheivements. once i am aware of whatever is going on for me, say, eating unhealthy, i then have three choices, to accept it, push it away or cover it up. then, once i have acceted it on a head and a heart level, i can then implement action to change it. for without action there can be no change. and if nothing changes, nothing changes...............

  3. Hey Anonoymous,

    Makes me heaps happy to read your comment. I guess me waking up with this on my mind had a reason. Glad that the 30 minutes it took me to write all that down has helped you. :)

    BUTT I would love to know your real name. Unless ofcourse your name is Anonoymous haha which i doubt it is.

    You don't have to say on here. You can email me :)

    Steve, as always a pleasure to get an inside in to your mind. I agree with you. We can and will become who and what we think we are.

    You are a powerful, smart, focused, intelligent determined person. You are healthy, fit, happy and forward in all that you do. This is what I see, this is what you are! ;)

    Talk soon buddy!
