Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Sick Animals

The last week or so has been a real battle for me to understand certain people’s outlook on animals and food.

To me, being healthy means taking every opportunity to make informed and educated decisions that will best suit my personal, physical and mental goals.

To do this, I make sure I understand what I'm supporting with every dollar that I spend. I buy from local farmers who farm in a sustainable manner and look after their animals, their soil and the earth.

I have a question for everyone to think about.

How can a person experience supreme health and wellness unless the animals, fruits and veg they consume are coming from a healthy source to begin with? Do people honestly expect to help repair nutrient deficiencies by eating animals that were less healthy than them to start with?

Let’s use cage chickens as an example. If you chose to buy a caged chicken, you are basically saying that you're happy to purchase/support the inhumane treatment of that chicken. You're also ok with it being abused almost, if not all, of it's life - kept inside ALL it's life (like a prisoner); never allowed to just sit and relax without having to FIGHT for it's life every day against other chickens. Think about how stressed you’d get if you were trapped inside and couldn’t get out. Stress releases certain hormones and these hormones are absorbed throughout the body – YOU’RE EATING STRESS!!

These animals are incredibly unhealthy and definitely nutrient deficient in so many areas. The obvious one is Vitamin D. Not being allowed outside has some serious health impacts and effects. How will you make Vitamin D if the food you're eating to help you produce vitamin D didn't have it in the first place?

Instead, what you may opt to do to help support your own health, the animal and the environment, is find a farmer who allows their chickens to roam outside, having a full and complete life. Allowed to eat their natural diet, allowed to bath in the dirt and dust and able to stretch out their wings and lay in the breeze relaxing, not freaking out from over crowded pens. This way, you too can be healthy and so can the chicken that has been purpose bred and raised to provide you the best nutritional outcome.

Consuming sick and dead animals will only lead to more of the same in humans! When you look at it logically, it makes perfect sense.

Is it any surprise that 1:2 - 1:3 Australians are suffering from some form of cancer or other health related disease?

When will we learn that getting back to HOW WE EVOLVED and supporting the LIVING EARTH will be the only way that will prevent this ratio from getting worse?

We have gone off our traditional diets SOOO much that it scares me to think how further off track we may get unless someone starts to see the link!!

In these busy, consumer based times; it can appear difficult to break from certain cycles of consumption. To assist you in making changes, list your eating habits and identify areas where you can improve. Are your choices (because everything is a choice) giving you and your family the maximum health benefits or could you be doing more? Over time, with small incremental changes, you will eventually benefit from these changes.

The first people who can start this revolution of change, is you and me. Own your thoughts and decisions on ALL your health choices. Support local farmers doing it right by the soil, the animals and the earth. Make sure you eat organic, fresh fruit and veg grown without pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and chemical fertilisers.

We can do it. Together, we can make the world change for the better.

Health and Chi.
Shane Richards

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