Monday, December 26, 2011

BLAST FROM THE PAST! (27.12.11 - 31.12.2011)

Tuesday 27th December

15 min chat about your christmas! :)


40:20 - 8 rounds

Walking Lunge with Alternating
Strict Pull Up/Bands
8 sets (24 minutes)

60/60 (6 mins)
Skipping Rope

Wednesday 28th December

Alex: Christmas Deadlifts


40:20 (no rest) – 10 sets (20 minutes)

Deadlift (Slow and controlled tempo (3:3)

Go heavy, for you. That may be 8kgs or it may be 80kgs. However, you MUST be able to handle the load for 40 seconds over 10 sets. You may increase weight SET by SET if need be
Core 60/60 3 sets 6 minutes Swiss ball crawls
Thursday 29th December

Band sprints – FUN!

Five rounds for time of:
40 Double-Unders

20 Kettlebell swings

10 Pullups


60/60 3 sets - 6 mins PNF – Squat
Friday 30th December

Karen: Christmas Deadlift Theme

Foam Rolling /Stretching

Run 800 meters
15 Hang squat snatch
Run 400 meters
15 Squat snatch from mid-thigh

Run 200 meters
15 Squat snatch


MB Rotoations
Prone Cobra

Saturday 31st December

10m Sprint intervals –Max laps in 60 seconds
60 on 60 off (two groups)

(25 minutes) Speed and power 20:40 – 5 sets

Push Press
KB Swings

Touch Jumps
Rope Shakes
MB Slams

60/60 (6mins) SB Side bends

Saturday, December 17, 2011

19.12.11 - 25.12.11

Monday 19th of December

Sprint Intervals
Touch Jumps (Touch The Ground - Jump High)

- Endurance

20 min AMRAP

10 KB Front Squat
15 Horizontal Pull
20Weight Plate Ground 2OH
25 Double Unders

TVA - Heel Taps
Wall Squat Holds

Tuesday 20th of December

Focus - (8 minutes)

2 groups (max reps in 4 minutes on each movement)


*Total score over both workouts wins*

Workout - Interval Strength

30/30 - 6 rounds (24 minutes)

Pushup With Rotation (alternate sides for 30 seconds)
Floor Press with KB/DB (Advance: Rotation) (no rest between sides)
Plank positing - Knees touch elbows (bring your knees up to touch elbow)

Core 3 sets (6 minutes)

Swiss ball hugs - with rotation from side to side
Hip extension

Wednesday 21st of December

Ring holds accumulate time over 3 attempts

Workout - Speed and Power

Every Minute On The Minute (EMOM)
(20 minutes)

7 DB Burpees
8 Intervals
9 KB swings
10 K2E
20 Air Squats

*Get reps done as fast as possible. With remaining time, rest.*

Core 3 sets (6mins)

Skipping Rope

Thursday 22nd of December

Foam Roll/Tennis Ball/Stretch

Workout - Strength


Squat Press
Turkish Get Ups (total - not each side)
V- Style Sit Ups

Pron Cobra
Russian Twist

Friday 23rd of December

Teams of 2 - Farmers Carry max intervals in 3:00min

Workout - Uni-lateral Strength (24 minutes)

30/30 - 8 sets (No REST - Swap & Go!)

Bent Over Row
Plate to chest - Lateral Lunge
Rotation Pull on Rings or UI

Core 60/60 (6mins)
Alternating Star Fish
Saturday 24th of December

Balloon Game/Re-bounder/Have fun!


12 Days Before Christmas (Thanks Mandy)

Day 1 - 100m sprint
Day 2 - Strict Press
Day 3 - Squat Cleans
Day 4 - Pullups
Day 5- Box Jumps
Day 6- Pushups
Day 7- KB Swings
Day 8-Burpees
Day 9- Situps
Day 10- wall ball
Day 11- Knees to elbows
Day 12- Power Snatch

Core 60/60 - 6 mins

SB Wrestles

Sunday, December 11, 2011

12.12.11 - 18.12.11

Monday - 12.12.2011

Nathan & Belinda recenlty got back from a 6 week holiday and they were rep'in Ho-Fo around the world!

Focus - 10 mins

Mobility of the shoulder – Band Resistance – Distraction

Workout - 35-40 min cutt off



KB Swings
Burpee Box Jump or Step-Up (alternate legs)

Note: Volume - 108 reps per movement and 324 reps for total workout. Pick an appropriate weight for this level of volume.

Core – 6 mins (60/60)
SB Wrestling

Tuesday – 13.12.2011

Nolita - Ring Pulls. Nolita has been a member here for quite some time now. She loves the gym and the people in it. She travels over 30mins twice a week to come train with us all! Talk about commitment! You're awesome Nolita!

Focus - 10mins

Mobility of the hip flexor – Band Resistance


HYPERTROPHY – Metabolism Building!
10 sets X 10 reps

Front Squat

Note: Work at your own pace. Rest when needed. Remember you want to challenge your 10 rep maximum for most of the 10 sets. So take rounds 1-3 light and easy then start to increase difficulty of each round from 4 to 10 for best results.

Core - 6mins (60/60)

Side Plank – Hip lifts

Wednesday – 14.12.2011

Would like to congratulate Anne for making the GRAND FINAL of her tennis tournament (good luck) and also congratulations on your jumping pull-ups from Saturday. Massive Improvement!

Focus - 10mins

Sled Intervals 2 teams – Max Sled Push/Pull in 7 minutes.


30/30 – 6 rounds (24mins)

Bicep Curl Squat
Pushup on Rings
Lateral Lunge Press

Core - 6mins (60/60)

SB Crunch
Palms to elbows

Thursday - 15.12.2011
9:30am group - KB Lunges and Pushups


Rope Shakes - 5 rounds - 30 seconds of work each round

Workout - 25mins

20/40 x 5 rounds (25mins)

KB Swings
MB Slams
Interval Sprints
Double Unders
Lateral Plate Step-Ups (fast feet)

Core – 6mins (30int/30ext)

Skipping Rope

Friday – 16.12.2011

Pistol Pete - Over Head Lunges

No focus – This workout will take a while to teach and to perform.



1st set 5rm Deadlift

(rest 1:30 min)

2nd Set 10 x Dumbbell Burpees

(rest 1:30 min)

3rd set 5rm Deadlift

(rest 1:30 min)

4th set Max Time HOLD On Bar Hang

(rest 1:30 min)

5th Set 5rm Deadlift

(rest 1:30 min)

6th Set Max Hold Wall Sit

(rest 1:30 min)

7th 1 rope climb or 15 X back to Standing rope climbs

(rest 1:30 min)

8th Set 5rm Deadlift

(rest 1:30 min)

9th Set 16 alternating left and right Turkish-get-ups

(rest 1:30 min)

10th set 5rm Deadlift

(rest until tomorrow! Haha)

Form is held above ALL – NO rounding of the spine AT ALL will be tolerated. If a person does not have spinal awareness then they will be held at a weight that they can manage for 5 reps for all sets.

Core 6mins – (60/60)
Lying floor press – slow and controlled

SUPER Saturday – 17.12.2011

Donna killing some KB swings. Go DONNA!

Focus - 10mins
Trainers Choice

Workout - 17mins

Complete as many reps as possible in 17 mins

minutes following the rep scheme below:

3 Barbell Thrusters

3 Bear Crawls

6 Barbell Thrusters

6 Bear Crawls

9 Barbell Thrusters

9 Bear Crawls

12 Barbell Thrusters

12 Bear Crawls

15 Barbell Thrusters

15 Bear Crawls

18 Barbell Thrusters

18 Bear Crawls

21 Barbell Thrusters

21 Bear Crawls

This is a timed workout. If you complete the
round of 21, go on to 24. If you complete 24, go on to 27, etc.

1 bear crawl is length of floor and then in reverse is 2. Challenge your nervous system by literally going backwards on the crawls then crawling forward.

Core - 6 mins
TVA Heel Taps
FWD Ball Roll

Sunday, December 4, 2011

5.12.2011 - 11.12.2011

Magical Monday
Justine Pearson will be here at 6:30pm to become fitter, faster, stronger. Will you?
5th December

Learn the clean and receiving position of the clean. Understand the difference between a POWER clean and a SQUAT clean.

7 Squat Cleans
14 KB swings

5 rounds

SB Crunch
Prone Cobra

3 sets - 6 mins

Tension Tuesday

Darren being s stability master!

6th December


Handstand progression - Box, Band, Wall, Free Standing

The Workout
40 seconds on each station - 9 sets

Bar Bell Push Press 40%
Double Under

Frwd Ball Roll MB Hip Extension (alternate MB each set)

3 sets 6mins

Wonderful Wednesday

29 weeks pregnant and still going string.

Tysha your motivation towards your job and training is inspirational!
7th December

Rope Shakes!

The Workout
30/30 (No rest between sides until Pushups)

8 sets - 24 minutes

One Leg Box Squat/Crate Squat
One leg Deadlift
Push up (30 seconds of work followed by 30 seconds of rest)

SB pass through (hands/feet)

Tasty Thursday

Quick and easy dessert this Christmas instead of the puddings?

Pear cinnamon and cream

8th December


Swissball Hip Flexor Stretch
Back to Standing Rop Climbs

The workout
AMRAP in 20 minutes

**Add one rep per ROUND completed**

15m Sled Pull

1 Turkish Get Up (use anything that creates resistance eg: Weight Plate, DB, Water Bottle etc)
1 Knees to Elbows
1 Burpee

60/60 x 3 sets

3D Standing Heel Taps

Feline Friday

Cleo, Queen of Ho-Fo has almost made a full recovery and is going strong!

Thank you to all the members who show her love and look after her!

She is a Stray cat with a huge family now!

9th December

Practice using the bands for your dips

The Workout
6 rounds - 40:20 (24mins)

Rotational Lunge with Press (alternate sides)
BB Deadlift
KB Lateral Lunge

60/60 - 3 sets
Skipping Rope

Succulent Saturday
What's for dinner?
10th December

Concentrate on getting stuck into ANY tight spots.
Foam roll, tennis ball, band stretches etc

"Workout 1"
AMRAP In 12 minutes:

Max Burpess/Jumping Pull-ups
*at the start of each minute you will do 4 KB swings*

*Workout 2*

21 Thrusters
63 DU's
15 Thrusters
45 DU's
9 Thrusters
27 DU's

Accumulate 5 minutes in the SB Hip Extension Bridge Position


Holistic Foundations and any person/s within Holistic Foundations has produced these workouts for improved movement and lifestyle ability. These movements and lifestyle modifications are NOT appropriate for everyone. Individuals who suffer from disease or are recovering from ANY injury of any sort should consult a physician regarding the advisability of undertaking any of the activities suggested in these workouts. Health is taking responsibility for YOURSELF. Holistic Foundations or any person/s working in or on behalf of; is neither responsible nor liable for any harm or injuries resulting from these movements and lifestyle modifications described here in.