Thursday, June 30, 2011


Tysha being strong as!

As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes:

200m run
5 Ring Dips
20 MB Slams

60/60 - 3 sets (6 minutes)
Fwd Ball Roll
4 point

How many rounds will you do!?! ;)

Happy Birthday Louise - Hope you have a GREAT day!! I'm sure I speak for us all at Hol Found when I wish you health and happiness this year!!

Sunday, June 26, 2011


Happy Birthday Brett. I hope you have a GREAT day. Thanks for being a great part of the community that we have here at Hol Found! ;)

Johny: Vested up and doing a massive KB Lunge Press!

40:20 (8 sets)
24 minutes

Barbell Deadlifts (Pick a weight you can lift for 40 seconds any less and it’s to heavy)

MD lunges

Pushups on the ground

Hip Extension Knee Flexion
TVA Heel Taps


Chloe: Now a handstand Machine!


1 min Max Mountain Climbers
2 min Max KB Front Squat
1 mins Max Ring Rows
2 mins Max 10m Intervals

4 sets (24 minutes)


3 sets (6 mins)
3D Heel Taps


Amanda: Working hard on her split jerks

Focus: Pick any movement you wish to workout and complete 5 sets unbroken at a 40:20 (W:R) tempo. All 5 sets must be unbroken. If you fail to do so, start your rounds again.

2-4-8-16-16-8-4-2 (30min cut off)

Knees to elbows
Jack Knife (no push)
KB swings
Walking Lunge (optional: weight plate above head)

every 2 minutes Stop to do 3 Burpees

Skipping Rope


Our very own Warrior Princess

Max: Find your 5 RM Deadlift (20 minutes)


Reptilian Pushups
Stair Climbs

11 sets (22 Minutes)

Core: 60/30/30 (6 minutes)
SB Crunch
SL Hip Extension


Tysha: beautiful Set Up Position!

Focus: Rope Climb Technique (no one is to climb to the roof,unless a trainer is extremely confident in your abilities)

MAX: Find your best 5RM Push Press


10-8-6-4-2 Squat Cleans
50-40-30-20-10 Double Unders


Core: 90/90 (9 minutes)
Swissball Bridge
Pushups Hold Position

Friday, June 24, 2011

Super Saturday

Tysha Smahing up the sled push

Trudys Birthday workout! With HATS!!!

Focus: In groups(5 minutes on each)
Sled Push (learn how to use the sleds before the workout)
200m buddy Carry (Swap at each end with partner)

(If group is larger then normal I will add more focus)

AMRAP (incline) 20 minute

10m Sled Push
1 Thruster BB/KB
1 V - Sit-up to standing
1 Toes To Rings/Knees To Elbows

10m Sled Push
2 Thruster BB/KB
2 V - sit-up to standing
2 Toes To Rings/Knees To Elbows

10m Sled Push
3 Thruster BB/KB
3 V - sit-up to standing
3 Toes To Rings/Knees To Elbows

***EVERYTHING is scalable to YOUR INDIVIDUAL NBEDS. No stress***
**Go as high as you can for as many rounds/reps as possible in 20 minute*
*Every 2 minutes 2 X Burpees*

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Friday - Happy Birthday Trudy :)

Birthday Special!

You knew this was coming...
To continue proving to Trudy that there is ALWAYS a way to train, even with one arm. I have created a SPECIAL workout for her on her birthday.

Trudy can only use one arm. The rest of us can petition the reps.

39 One Arm KB Swings
39 Turkish Get Ups
39 Pull With Rotations
39 Lunge Box Step Ups
39 Double Unders (I know you can do these now haha)
39 V-situps
39 MB slams (One arm)

3 minutes each side:


Sunday, June 19, 2011


60/60 - 4 rounds (32 minutes)

Box Jumps
Multi Diectional Lunge
Double Unders

(Go for UNBROKEN REPS and MAX in the minute)

Core: 60/60 (3 minutes)
SB Crunch
Opposing Arm and Leg

Wednesday - Happy Birthday Sean!!


Max Height Box Jump

40/20 - 8 sets (24 minutes)

Wall Ball
BB Cleans
Ring Pulls/Pullups

Forward Ball Roll


Lift something heavy in any plane of motion.

Complete 7 rounds for time of:
• 7 power snatches (as heavy as possible for 7 unbroken reps)
• 7 box jumps (max height that is comfortable for 7 reps but not EASY!)

Skipping Rope


Focus: 8 sets 40:20

KB Goblets/Front Squats


Ring Dips
Single Leg Deadlift
SA Bent Over Row

5 sets (25 minutes)

Hip Extension/Knee Flexion

Tennis Ball

Sunday, June 12, 2011


You guys rock!!

Super Saturday

Tug of war (weather permits)

(15 minute cut off on each workout)

Every minute on the minute add one rep:

Workout 1:
MB Horizontal Throws

Workout 2:
Farmers Walk 10m (add 10m each minute for 15 minutes)

Workout 3:
Clean and Jerk

Note: Have Fun with it 

Core:30/30/30/30 - 3 sets (6 minutes)
Skipping rope


Johnny be good - KB front Squat

Focus: Something you need to work on being the end of the week.

40/40 (L:R) (No rest just ultimate sides and move on to next movements straight away)

Single Arm Chest Press on SB
One Arm Snatch

Note: Keep the changes from side to side smooth and fast. No stalling! Even when changing exercises the time will not stop so you must run to the next movement and get into position as soon as you can and start.

Core: 3 sets (6 minutes)
Anterior Rocks
Posterior Rocks


Corinne killing a KB swing!

Focus: Snatch Balance

Every Minute on the minute: 5 sets (25 minutes)

5 dumbell burpees
10 box jumps
15 MB Slams
20 Squats
25 double Unders

Note: Remember speed and power is done at a higher intensity so that you can become a more powerful individual. Better, Faster, Stronger!! So keep this in mind while training, keep the reps as close to the TOP of the minute as possible. Sub 20 seconds is optimal for speed and power.


SB Crunch
Prone Cobra


Focus: Dowel Snatch

40/20 - 10 sets (20 minutes)

Sumo Dead/High Pull
Power Cleans
(Start each movement with a burpee)

SB bridge Holds


Saturday Morning Crew - Killing the focus

Focus: Dowel Push Jerks

Shoulder Smash!!

15 Mins AMRAP (as many rounds as possible)
10 x Push Press
8 x Back To Standing Rope Climb
10 x Wall Balls

Note: Try to smash it out. Keep the pace high and the focus on EACH MOVEMENT not the workout as a whole. Try for unbroken reps and constant movement. Remember the workout will give optimal results if you do as many rounds as POSSIBLE not as many rounds as you kinda feel is enough… haha

Core: 3 sets (6 minutes)
Knee Flexion


Getting closer to my goals (85kg)! How about you? Post accomplishments to comments. They can be anything!!! :)

Focus: OH dowel squats

Got Drip??

30/30 – 8 sets (24 minutes)

U.I Pushups

Note: Go as heavy as you can for 30 seconds. If you can not lift the bar or do a specific version for 30 seconds then you must drop weight or pick an easier version of the movement. Everything is scalable. This in the long run will leade to optimal development.

Core: 3 sets (6mins) 60/60
FWD Ball
Supine Hip Ext

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Super Saturday

Some of our awesome Super Saturday crew members



Ring Pushup
Sumo Deadlift High Pull KB
Wight plate Ground to overhead
Stairs 2 @ a time (body weight or loaded)

400m run

Opposing Arm and Leg



Rope shakes 30 seconds each person in the class for unbroken rounds (depends on amount of people)


One arm pull with rotation
One leg deadlifts
Box Squat

SB lateral Ball rolls
Fwd BB/SB rolls


My original BLUE PRINTS!! haha

Speed and power

100m sprints x 10
(rest is the 100m walk back)

20:10 – 16 sets (8 mins)

Push Press
KB Swings

Core: 60/60 (6mins)
SB Side bends


Focus: 10 minutes

Skin the cats



KB Front Squat
SB Chest Press
Ring Horizontal Pull

8 sets (24 minutes)


SB crunch


Get some work done!!!!

Handstand practice (free standing and on the wall)
40:20 - 8 sets (8 minutes)


15 minute AMRAP

1 Thruster
1 Sit-up
1 Double Under

2 Thrusters
2 Situps
2 Double Unders

(continue as high as possible in 15 minutes)

Core: 60/60 (6mins)

PNF Squat


3 rounds MAX time spent holding from a rope or a bar record total time


Walking Lunge Press
Strict Pull Up/Bands
Reptilian Push-ups

6 sets (24 minutes)

Core: 60/60 (6 mins)

Skipping Rope

Friday, June 3, 2011



Before you read the workout below and freak out and decide not to come to the session. Think about this. Are we all not searching to better ourselves on each and every workout? Will we not get closer to our goals if we do workouts like the one below?

It's not as hard as it looks or sounds. It's a chipper so do exactly that, chip away at it!!

I will be impressed with EVERYONE that gives this one their all. It's going to be a FANTASTIC morning!! :)

Every movement is scalable and we will find an option that is RIGHT for YOU right before we start in the warm up.


Start with:

1:30 max double unders/singles

20x Burpee broad jumps
20x Squats
20x KB bent over row (each side)

Sprint 200m

20x KB swings
20x KB front squat (use the same bell as the swings)

Sprint 200m

20x Single one arm pulls with rotation
20x Sit-ups
20x MB horizontal throws

End with

1:30 minute MAX double unders/singles

FOAM ROLLING: Quads, ITB, TFL, Qlutes and Calves
Work your tight spots.

THEN HOME WOD: EPSOM SALT BATH FOR TIME - Longest time wins!!! ;)

Game On!!